our friday morning routine...sort of:
the swarlola are enjoying a made bed
(a moment after this picture was taken,
swarley jumped at lola and all hell broke loose)
jesse performing his daily prayers,
wearing teffilin
and a talith (a prayer shawl - which i got him for our wedding)
cooking yumminess for the weekend.
on the menu;
mazzo-ball veggie soup
vegetarian shepherds' pie
kohlrabi salad (extra garlicky)
market veggie salad
ben & jerry's ice cream
lola got back to her spot on the bed
while swarley sun-bathed in the living room
mazzo-balls are cooking
my new hair!
(who also gave me this hair cut
and this hair do for when i said "i do")
meow and a happy weekend :)
תגובה 1:
מתה על שני היצורים האלה שלך!
תתחדשי על השיער המגניב!
מחכה לפגישה הבאה שלנו!!!
הוסף רשומת תגובה